Grüne Europagruppe Grüne EFA

PRESS RELEASE - Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

In response to the Commission’s publication of the legal texts on the CAP reform, the Greens/EFA group maintain their previously expressed strong concerns. Martin Häusling, Agricultural Policy Spokesman of the Greens/EFA Group, comments:

"Although there are elements in the CAP proposal post 2020 which look quite good at a first glance, such as capping and rhetoric on supporting better small scale farms, the devil lies in the detail. We already see lowering of ambition by the Commission on compulsory capping at 100 000 from 60 000 Euro, knowing that Member States will try to water the proposal down further.
We need strong conditionality so that CAP at least does no harm environmentally and socially, ensuring full sustainability, and at best delivers positive outcomes and increases resilience. A lack of obligations at EU level will create weak measures in the Member States with too much scope for backsliding and low ambition. For example, if the German government already stated in their coalition agreement that climate goals will not be met, we would be foolish to believe that Member States will keep the target of 40% greenhouse gas reductions. Furthermore, there is no financial commitment to sustainable measures like those that we had with the Greening measures.
Otherwise, the cuts foreseen for rural development in real terms are 25%, which is disastrous. In this light, we must not leach pubic money towards programmes that risk rapidly eating up all available funds, like private insurance schemes, or costly machinery as part of the digitalisation agenda that would continue input dependency and increase indebtedness amongst farmers; full intensification with smart technology will continue intensification and overproduction, with its negative impact on developing markets.

There is much work to do to develop the proposal and given the huge impact these changes will have on farmers and consumers, is important that is time for a proper dialogue and that we avoid the bulldozer approach which will only favour the status quo.”

Briefing soon.



Video Wald Tagung Die Dokumentation zur 3. Wald-Tagung in Bad Zwesten.

Dem Wald geht es schlecht und schlechter, gut sichtbar auch bei uns in Hessen. Er leidet unter dem Klimawandel, dem Borkenkäfer oder schädlichen Pilzen, wurde nun sogar selbst vom Klimaretter zum Klimaschädling, weil er mehr Kohlendioxid abgibt, als er aufnimmt. So lautet die amtliche Diagnose des aktuellen Waldschadensberichtes, den manche als Konkursbericht des Waldes bezeichnen. Und damit steht mehr auf dem Spiel, als manche wissen. Anlass für den Grünen Europa-Abgeordneten Martin Häusling, erneut zur nunmehr dritten Waldtagung ins Kurhaus nach Bad Zwesten einzuladen und nach Lösungen zu suchen, die den Wald wieder gesund machen und diesem Lebensraum, seinen Tieren und Pflanzen und damit auch uns Menschen nutzen. Fast 200 Wissenschaftler, Praktiker und Waldbesitzer und Gäste aus ganz Deutschland folgten seinem Ruf und diskutierten am Freitag im vollbesetzten Kurhaus, was zur Rettung des Waldes getan werden kann und muss.


Tagesgespräch mit Martin Häusling (Grüne): Artensterben mindestens so schlimm wie Klimawandel
aus der Sendung vom Fr., 27.10.2023 18:05 Uhr, SWR2 Aktuell, SWR2 , Jenny Beyen
