Grüne Europagruppe Grüne EFA

Videos und Radiobeiträge

press-conference: Vandana Shiva on draft EU seed legislation

With: Vandana Shiva, international environmental activist, and Green MEPs Bart Staes, José Bové and Martin Häusling

International activist and specialist on seeds and agronomy Vandana Shiva will be in Brussels as part of a tour to promote a new campaign and booklet: 'The law of the seed'. With draft EU legislation on the production and marketing of seeds having been proposed by the European Commission, the Greens/EFA group has invited her to present her campaign and to assess the proposed EU legislation, which will have far-reaching consequences in Europe and beyond. As currently drafted, the legislation poses a threat to small farmers and would undermine seed diversity and access to seeds.

Video of the public lecture by Vandana Shiva

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16.09.13 Radiointerview zu "Bio"-Sprit

Parlament zögert Neuregelung der "Bio"-Kraftstoffverordnung weiter hinaus

Das Europäische Parlament hat sich vergangene Woche zwar mit knapper Mehrheit für die Reform der "Bio"-Kraftstoffrichtlinie ausgesprochen allerdings kein Verhandlungsmandat beschlossen. Was das für den Ablauf der weiteren Verhandlungen bedeutet erklärt uns Martin Häusling, Abgeordneter für die Grünen im Europaparlament.

Anhören auf Radio Dreyeckland (Länge: 9.48 min)

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06.05.13 ZDF heute zu Saatgut

O-Ton ab 8:00 min.


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