Grüne Europagruppe Grüne EFA

from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on 24th February 2015, entitled “How to make the review of the organic farming legislation a success?” - Hosted by MEP LINS

The event is being organised within the context of the revision of organic farming legislation. The Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU set the organic farming review as a priority for the first half of 2015, with the objective of reaching a provisional deal with the European Parliament by the end of its tenure.
The aim of the event is for the Chairmanship of the Copa-Cogeca’s Working Party on Organic Farming, Members of the European Parliament, representatives of the European Commission and of the Council to discuss how to improve EU organic farming rules to ensure that the current 225,000 organic farmers can continue to earn a living from their activities, to encourage new farmers to convert to organic farming and to guarantee consumer confidence.



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